
Drawing the final threads together

To the chanting of the Bajan in Tamil,
“Jesu, Jesu, Jesu Crista...”,

the Capitulants became present to the Spirit and one another as they heard this call...
“12 May we began our journey together...
Believing in our HOPES, asking QUESTIONS, and with our DREAMS and DESIRES for the FUTURE.

It was a sacred journey.
Today we are happy as we have come almost to the end.
Let us pause for a moment to treasure what is remaining deep within.”

Treasuring what remained deep with them was to be the main work of the day, but first a final vote, and Christine’s final task as facilitator.

Recommendations from the Chapter to the General Council

During the Chapter, a number of recommendations for the General Leadership Team, arising from the different conversations and reports, had been germinating in the minds of the Capitulants. They were gathered together and expressed concisely in three recommendations.
They were put to the Chapter this morning and passed unanimously.

Process of Farewell

One more process recommended by Christine...
This may be the last and indeed the only time some of those present will meet as a group. She recommended the Capitulants go into their discernment groups and talk together about what touched them during their time together, the graces they received, anything they would like to share, and continue to converse with one another in the passageways and stairways... And so it was.
Christine herself took leave of the Chapter as she was leaving immediately. She thanked the Capitulants for all they had done. Her special thanks went to the Steering Committee without whom it would have been difficult to keep things moving, and also to the translators and secretaries. She said how she had appreciated the morning prayers which had been very moving.
Malini Joseph, of the Nagoda Contemplative Monastery, gave an eloquent vote of thanks to Christine for the skills and gifts she brought to the task of facilitating the Chapter. She left the room to the resounding applause of all.


Then it was time for the usual photo op. All gathered outside the house and you can see the result below.

Ritual Presentation of the Crosses to the New Council of the Institute
This took place in the afternoon

“...because our lives and our Holy Family history are woven into the lives and history of those who have gone before us”, the Capitulants gathered once more in the afternoon to repeat what our Founder did when he returned from a journey to Rome in 1851. He presented each General Councillor of Mary with a cross blessed by Pope Pius IX.
These crosses are passed on from one Leadership Team to the next, a symbol of continuity, acknowledgement and gratitude to “our First Mothers and all the Sisters who have gone before us giving their lives for the common mission in the service of animation and leadership”.
In a ceremony of readings, music and blessing, the crosses were passed to the new General Leadership Team elected at the 2014 General Chapter. Although not present in person, Geni was symbolically represented. 

Final Blessing, as the whole assembly extended their hands over the Team

It expressed much of the aspirations of the Chapter on Leadership and Membership.
May your leadership be feminine, circular and shared.
May you be at the service of our mission of communion and discern responses which will bring newness and transformation to our Mission today.
May a shared Vision bring you wisdom and boldness to face challenges as a team for the good of the Mission.
May you be able to rely on the respect, trust and collaboration of the members of the Institute and of the Family.
May you have the freedom of spirit to listen to everyone’s voice, to accept reality in all its diversity and to dialogue with compassion.
May the Spirit be your light in darkness, your strength in weakness and a faithful companion on your journey.


1 comment:

  1. Read much of the topics discussdd and pronouncements and have to be honest..I could have been reading the content of company conference. Loads of talk about 'self" globalisation and a map/plan for readiness of NMO.When the spirit was mentioned it was just that. No reverence to the Holy Spirit of God.
    I just think it all sems like a cosy love in with no realy substance for promoting God's word and real evangelisation among our develped countries cities..where the youth in these cities are being destroyed by modern day excesses and family breakdown. They are thirsty of Gods word and demonstration of his love. Did any of these subjects come up during your explorations of feelings and committee meetings. P.s think it is not a good idea for lay people to run fact finding comittees and being given the responcibilty to "relay matters"to the secular community as they are elderly and not active as elected to do.
