
Today is free – Outing to Assisi


Our New Leadership Team

Geni dos Santos CAMARGO,
Bernadette TAURINYA (Vicar for the Contemplatives)
Marian MURCIA (General Bursar), 
Ana Maria ALCALDE ( General Leader )
Kumudinie DASSANAYAKE (Assistant General),
Micheline KENDA


All gathered around the Eucharistic table at 9 am to prepare for the work of the day which began at 11 am.

The team was elected in the afternoon of 29 May. Geni dos Santos, who was not at the Chapter, had to be contacted to obtain her acceptance of this new service to the Institute, which she has given.

Ana Maria first spoke to the Chapter about the first meeting of the new Council 
As we know, the General Busar is nominated by the General Leadership Team. In accordance with a decision taken at the 2008 General Chapter to have her nominated at the same time as the other Councillors, the new Council met to consider who they wished to nominate for this task.
Their choice was Marian Murcia, who will begin a second mandate in that role.
The first task this morning was to elect the Assistant General.
 Ana Maria read art. 66.1 of the Constitutions that sets out her role. All the members of the Chapter vote but the Assistant General is chosen from the Apostolic Councillors.

Christine facilitated the election.

 She again stressed the importance of this role. Should the General Leader die, or resign or otherwise be unable to carry on, the Assistant General takes over. We have had the experience of this happening and are aware of the seriousness of such an event.
Kumudini Dasanyake was elected Assistant General.



Happy Birthday!

Provincial - Britain/Ireland


Building the General Leadership Team


 If your whole body was just one eye, how would you hear anything? If it was just one ear, how would you smell anything? Instead of that, God put all the separate parts into the body on purpose. If all the parts were the same, how could it be a body? As it is, the parts are many, but the body is one. (1 Cor. 12, 17 – 20)

It may seem a long process but it is demanding to build a team.

The best teams do not have people with similar skills.

They combine the diverse talents, backgrounds and God-given gifts from a pool of diverse individuals, such as are in the Chapter, who understand their role and who can appreciate that of others.





More about the Elections

Father, Mother God
You taught the hearts of your faithful people
by sending them the light of your Holy Spirit.
In that Spirit give us right judgement
and the joy of (her) comfort and guidance.
No one could have doubted the presence of the Spirit in the chapel this morning as the Capitulants gathered for the Eucharist with Fr. Louis Lougen, Superior General of the Oblates of Mary Immaculate presiding.
As is our custom, he also presided at the election of the General Leader which followed immediately after the Eucharist.

Christine opened the proceedings.

In a final word about discernment, she said it is a choice between good things, not between good and bad, nor between a good and a less good. In the election we are looking for someone who will take the mission forward.
There was a last opportunity given for anyone who wished to speak to do so. There was no one and they went forward in peace.

10 am

All stood to sing the Veni Creator.
Then Margaret, as President of the Chapter, read art. 62 of the Constitutions concerning the election of the Superior General.
The election was conducted as set out therein.
We know the result.

Asked if she accepted, Ana Maria replied: “Trusting in God and my sisters, I accept”, to deafening applause and congratulations from all in the assembly, each one in her own way.


11.30 am

After a break to absorb the emotions of the moment, the Capitulants assembled again, this time with Ana Maria as President of the Chapter.

It was a time for spontaneous expressions of gratitude.

Ana Maria’s first words were of thanks to the old Council without whose hard work the Chapter would not have arrived at this stage. A special word of thanks was reserved for Margaret for all she had done and shared for such a long time. They would continue to count on her.
Mentioning each one by name, she thanked Marie Carmen, Colleen, Kumudini, Micheline, Marian and Bernadette.  All received a bouquet in appreciation.

Margaret spoke of how grateful she was now, saying it was “a grace and gift to serve the Family”. She remains with a sense of connectedness with all and will never forget anyone. She also thanked the two teams she had worked with during her two mandates.

Marie Carmen Vilardell who, as you may know , had not been able to attend the Chapter because of her health, also spoke: “This a privileged opportunity to speak to all the Units  of the Institute and through the Institute, to all the Family, to thank you for your union and your prayers in my situation of which you all know. But, above all, I have to give thanks for all have lived that has been so rich because life, with its lights and shadows, is worth living. And I will continue to live together with you as we go forward in the circumstances in which we are now.”

Christine took the opportunity to thank everyone for the way they had lived the Election Process.     

Election of the Vicar for the Contemplatives

This was done by the sisters of the Vicariate present at the Chapter

The Contemplative sisters had already drawn up a list of nominations for the Vicar and the election followed the same process as for the Superior General. The result is now known to all.

Bernadette accepted to do this service and was also enthusiastically greeted by the Capitulants.

Afternoon Session

Process for Election of Councillors

In some respects, it is similar to that for the General Leader. The criteria for persons are the same but the main criterion is to create a team that can help Ana Maria to carry forward the Mission. This will require different gifts, skills, experience. It is important to take into account where and the extent to which a language predominates and how this impacts on Formation needs.

But it is not an overriding constraint.

So, discernment is ongoing throughout the election process and the team is built up gradually.

The Capitulants spent some time in mixed groups working out possible scenarios, even creating teams of five Councillors if they thought fit.  There was conversation around this and a list of nominations left with them  for prayerful consideration  until tomorrow.


We have a new General Leader and Vicar for the Contemplatives

Wednesday, 28 May 2014
General Leader
Bernadette TAURINYA
Vicar for the Contemplatives


The Discernment process continues

The Capitulants gathered for the Eucharist at 9 am and met for further periods of prayer together throughout the day.

In quietness, and conversations with the Spirit, their hearts, one another, and together in the Chapter room, they moved towards the moment when they will decide who is to lead the Institute for the next six years.

In the course of the afternoon, Christine gave some further thoughts on what she perceived to be happening in the group and invited conversation with a view to promoting a further, deeper understanding of what the election process involves.

The time came in the afternoon for a second secret ballot in which each one wrote two names only. After this, a weighted list of names was drawn up.

Christine also gave an input on Conscious and Unconscious processes in General Chapters with particular reference to the Psychodynamics of the Election Process, providing more food for thought.
In her final words, she urged the Capitulants to ask for the grace of indifference and again stressed the importance of inner freedom. They must let the Spirit speak tomorrow and remember that the whole Family is praying for them.

The Blessed Sacrament was exposed from 6 – 7 pm.

After an exhausting day, an early night was recommended.

 The notice board in the main foyer is a sign of unity and solidarity.

From the beginning of the Chapter, messages of support and communion in prayer poured in from Holy Family sisters around the world. Associates, lay and priests, Consecrated Seculars are also closely united with us as their messages testify.

So, too, are the Leadership teams of many Religious Congregations in Rome, especially our near neighbours across the road.

The Oblate General Superior and Council sent warm, fraternal greetings in these terms:

“God’s Spirit inspire the work of your General Chapter! We, the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate, are gathered in plenary session and hold you in our thoughts and prayers for a most fruitful Chapter.  We hope that it will be characterised by openness to the surprises of the Spirit and that you will recognise God working in little ways, in unexpected manners and in voices often unheard.
We have great esteem and respect for our generous missionary commitment around the world. We are grateful for the historical and missionary relationship between our congregations. May we all be filled with the joy of the Gospel in our missionary lives.”



Electing the General Leader

Entering into DISCERNMENT

Gathered in the Chapter room, the delegates softly sang,
Jesus, Mary, Joseph, hear us.
Let us live as you each day.
Guide, inspire and empower us
As we walk our Exodus
To desire and seek
God alone in everything –
‘Til by all people in communion
“Glory be to God” is sung.

     and prayed,
O Maker of the Universe, Maker of this earth,
Maker of souls and Maker of songs,
We thank you for the spirit
That flows among us, through us, around us and in us
Across the distance wherever we are...

Reflection on Inner Freedom

Before sharing her reflection, Christine invited the Capitulants to sit in silence for a while and, in spirit, visit our Family in whose name they are gathered – Contemplatives, Apostolics, Lay and Priest Associates...
Discernment as a way of life had been consistently put before the Chapter by the Facilitator.
Now, it was the disposition of interior freedom that was uppermost. We’ll give a few ideas from her reflection which can be developed further by the delegates at home  

What is Inner Freedom?

“...to put all my energy into thinking, asking, praying, reflecting – as if I alone have to make the decisions about the elections – and at the same time be able to let go of all my ideas ... if God seems to point in a different direction from where my thoughts have been going.”
Inordinate attachments can prevent us from doing that. They are the obstacles to freedom like prejudices, fixed ideas..., all those things that limit our freedom. 
What do we do with unfreedoms?
Recognise them before God, look at them and assess them objectively. The same applies to absolute certainties.
Freedom and Responsibility
Both are limited. Whatever freedom we have, God will use if we hand it over to God. While we may not responsible for circumstances that have brought us to where we are, we are responsible for choosing life and creating the present. Each one’s experience and gifts are essential to the election discernment process.
Fears - feelings of inadequacy, lack of experience, knowledge...- are normal. They must also be named and faced so they do not become blocks and drain the energy that has to be directed to the election process.
Two proposed Gospel passages to spend time with
The loaves and the fishes, such a poor human offering, were essential ingredients for the miracle. God needs our contribution no matter how small.
The Samaritan woman was led by Jesus on a wonderful journey of inner freedom by Jesus, so that she left her precious jar to go and spread the good news. What jar do I need to let go of to live freely his election process?

There was silence until the next step

At 5.30 pm the Capitulants met in Discernment Groups for a time of privileged listening as each one gave the names of those she thought could fulfil the role of General Leader and why. The names are brought to the Facilitator in the designated room.
At 7.45, they assemble for Adoration in the Chapel, after which the first nominations are made, each one writing three names.
The list of names, in alphabetical order, will be available in the Chapter room by 9 pm.
The Blessed Sacrament remains exposed until 10.30 pm.
Personal reflection and the adoration in the Chapel



A Day of conversations, as we move towards the elections

Central to today’s Morning Prayer was the Lorica of St. Patrick.
A Lorica is a prayer of protection popular in Celtic countries.

I arise today

Through a mighty strength, the invocation of the Trinity
Through belief in the threeness
Through confession of the Oneness
Towards the creator.
The words from the gospel of John, also spoke to the heart:
    ...the Advocate, the Holy Spirit,
       Whom the Father will send in my name,
       Will teach you everything
       And remind you of all I have said to you. Jn. 14, 26

Agenda for the day

There is flexibility in the Chapter which means the order as set out in the morning does not have to be strictly adhered to. Additional topics of conversation can arise and be given time.

Vote for the number of Apostolic Councillors

The time for discussion over, it was the moment to vote on the question:
Who is in favour of having four (4) rather than five (5) Apostolic Councillors?
The delegates voted by raising their green cards if they were in favour and their red cards if not. A majority voted for four.


Feedback from GLT and Vicariate Reports

Having re-read the Reports, the Capitulants raised a number of issues for further information and clarification. Among those that engendered most discussion were:
The term Unit is used in the document and has become current in the Institute. What is behind this?
One reason is that it eliminates the clumsiness involved in the constant repetition of Provinces/Delegations/Networks when we are speaking of our organisation. A more important reason is that it eliminates any feeling of inequality that might exist between these entities. Delegations and Provinces have the same mission and their leadership teams have the same work.
Networks and how they function was another point of interest. There are three: Europe, the first to be established; Latin America, grouping all the countries where we are present; South Africa, the newest grouping South Africa, Uganda, Rwanda. Although Europe was the first they agree they are still finding their way like the others. The cultural and language diversity in all is both a challenge and a source of richness and growth. They foster the idea of belonging to an Institute rather than a country.
The Guidelines for safeguarding children and vulnerable adults, received by all, were widely used to sensitise both sisters and co-workers on the matter. This issue has to work on two levels, (i) of what we do and (ii) of our ethical code. All that needs to be said is that the Code must be fully implemented in every country, in each Unit. The Holy Family can also play a part in seeing that dioceses and parishes where they are present have a commission for this purpose, if they do not already have one.
Care of Senior/Elderly Sisters: This topic was raised by Christine who spoke of them as the “wisdom of the Institute”. In all Units there is a  care system in place, managed entirely by the sisters themselves in some cases, in others  with the help of lay staff, and in others the care is entirely the responsibility of lay staff. In all, the sisters see to the pastoral needs of their senior sisters and provide resources for leisure activities.
International Novitiates was a topic of interest. There is one in South Africa, the D.R.Congo, Latin America and the Philippines. The experience has been largely positive and enriching in all places despite the differences of language and culture. They learn new cultures and, in some cases, have the opportunity to meet with other novices in inter-congregational  meetings and seminars.

2nd Draft of the basic Chapter Document

The Document was ready for presentation to the assembly at about 3.30 pm.
This was the crucial moment of the day, the event for which everyone was waiting.
The document sets out the direction the Institute is taking for the next six years.
Final drafters
Colleen, Teresa and Gemma

The Capitulants need to know this as it will influence their choice of General Leader and the Councillors who will form her team.
Suffice it to say that the Draft Document, with amendments, was accepted by the Chapter.


Tomorrow morning, the Capitulants are free They will assemble in the Chapter room at 4 pm to begin a time of retreat before the elections.




Sent for Mission

Ruah, Ruah, Breath of God within us,
Ruah, Ruah, Spirit of our God.

Let yourself go,

was the title of a poem read at the morning reflection.
It was a statement that everything moves and renews itself – the sun, the moon and the earth, the atom, the star.
Nothing is static and whatever does not move dies,but even when it dies, everything else keeps moving.

The Spirit of God, power of love, moves....
God, the mystery that moves and impels all to love and beauty, moves...

Continuing from yesterday

The concept of ‘movement’, ‘moving’ could not have been more relevant to the work set out for the day. The main topics were the reactions to the draft document, and Leadership.

Reports on the Draft Document

Eleven discernment groups had thoroughly studied the document to see if it contained the elements, ideas, desires presented by the Chapter working groups and whether it responded to the urgency of the theme, ‘Sent for Mission... ‘

The arduous work of the Drafting Committee in attempting to do this was acknowledged and appreciated by all as they gave their reactions. Time was given for conversation in the hall. It was animated and fruitful as more clarification was required on some key issues.

Obvious from the interaction is the longing for a daring step going through the Chapter, a call for a change of structures, for circular and participative leadership, for a new language...

The document was sent back to the drafting committee, as usually happens with a first draft.

Style of Leadership needed at this time

To help the Capitulants in the next stage of their work Christine, at the request of the Steering Committee, gave three inputs on Leadership as a framework for their reflection. They were titled: 
·         The Mission of Leaders in a Global World

·         Styles of Leadership we’ve been through

·         Prophetic Leadership

Using PowerPoint Christine had some stimulating and thoughtful things to say about the how Leadership is seen and exercised today, both in religious life and the world of business. Styles can be the same but the mission is not.

The PPTs will be available for the Capitulants to have and they will see about sharing them in their Units. We’ll simply give here a few sound-bites:  
·         The best formation for a leader is to be a good member.

·         The leader’s authority comes from the MISSION.

·        Conscious of the constant expansion and acceleration in today’s world, we must bear in mind that whatever we decide to do today may not be relevant in another year or even a shorter passage of time.

·      The newly professed must understand what it is to be a member of the Institute rather than of a Unit.

·         Prophetic leadership is not afraid of discontinuity.

Faith and Culture

The Integration of faith and culture was another topic dealt with by Christine in the afternoon session. Just one thought from this.

Faith has to become part of culture. Faith that does not become part of culture is not fully accepted.  

In the late afternoon, there was more sharing around the number of General Councillors needed. The final decision will be taken tomorrow morning.

It was a day of intense, passionate interaction as the Capitulants continued to grapple with the theme of the Chapter, knowing they have to live with questions and, like Abraham, set off into the unknown but trusting in God’s promise to be with them.
