
A Day with a packed Agenda


This recurring theme in the Chapter, was proposed for this morning’s reflection.
Contemplating the Exodus image of the

thousands of faces of a living humanity...
taking on the characteristics of the One called Jesus...
we pray,

Give us, O God, new steps for new roads
Signs along our paths...
Give us the light of your Spirit to enable us
To discern your will for us as an Institute
At this time in our history.

A Day with a packed Agenda

This was Christine’s promise of what was to come.
It could be said to have been a day of intense, thoughtful, challenging, mind-changing conversations within and without the Chapter room on many issues.

Hearing the Voices of those who are not here

§  The members of the Institute will know how much work they did in preparation for the Chapter, through their own Unit Chapters and Assemblies. At these gatherings issues were raised and proposals made for the consideration of the Capitulants. Individual proposals could also be submitted.

§  The voices of the younger members of the Institute, who are not eligible to be delegates, were heard as they submitted their views and desires in writing to the Chapter.

§  The other Vocations, Consecrated Seculars, Lay and Priest Associates, were also invited to speak and their contributions noted.

All these ‘Voices’, collected into separate documents, were heard with respect and attention, either in the Chapter Hall or in groups outside it, who then reported their findings to the whole assembly.

The questions and suggestions that arose from this exercise provided further material for reflection, both for the work of the Chapter and the future. The details will be given by the Chapter delegates in their Units.

Vowed for Mission document

As already noted, a revised version of this key document of the Institute was sent to Delegates for their amendments prior to the Chapter. Amendments to such an important document have to be approved and voted on by the Chapter. Colleen presented them and, after some discussion on each, the document was unanimously adopted by the assembly. 

Hearing from Chapter Committees


·         The Drafting Committee

This committee, composed of Claire, Catherine, Malinie, Santhana, and Gemma on behalf of the Steering Committee, had the task of drawing up a Declaration on Mission, based on the work done by the Capitulants on the original document presented by the Steering Committee.

They presented a first draft to the Chapter in the afternoon. The Capitulants were asked to spend some time in silent reflection and then, bring their thoughts to share in their discernment groups. Their comments and amendments will be considered tomorrow.

·         The Finance Committee

Breda, on behalf of the Committee, read a statement to the Chapter on their findings after studying the Financial Report. They found it to be accurate, meticulously done and they endorsed the recommendations made.

A long conversation ensued in which the main issues that surfaced were not finance but understanding, attitudes and feelings around interdependence as opposed to dependence.



As we know, since the 2008 General Chapter, Martillac has been developed “as a Family home open to all the members of the Family of P. B. Noailles and a centre of Holy Family spirituality animated by the Sisters of both vocations and part of the pastoral plan of the local church”.

An evaluation of this project has been made and is available in the three languages. Adela gave a comprehensive account of what has been achieved, much of it well known to those who have benefitted from Holy Family sessions there.

Should it be continued?   YES.

Our Relationship with the Church

The question had come up from the floor and a small group looked at it and started the conversation in the Chapter room.
Women religious are usually at the cutting edge in nourishing the faith of the people and promoting JPIC issues.
Relations with clergy and hierarchy are often fraught.
The constant call for greater participation of women in all areas of Church life came up unsurprisingly, mention being made of the need for their presence in seminaries in the training of priests who mostly know little about religious life...

In this regard, the Capitulants were reminded of the letter to Pope Francis from the IUSG in their folders and of the great resource that is Evangelii Gaudium.

There we leave it!


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